Mama's love

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Emotionally, physically n mentally, I'm exhausted. They keep falling ill... ...

Some mommies said "dun use painkiller during deliveries cos u need to experience labor pain to be a real mother."

Mine is a less hassle & non messy induced birth with epidural. I didn't experience labor pain but that didn't mean i'm not a real mother. I take care of my kids 7-11. I shower, feed and cook their favorite dished personally for them. I sleep with them and wake up in the middle as many times as they do especially when they are ill. I am also their driver and drives them to and fro classes. I also prepare materials for them to play and learn.

People call me crazy or silly cos I am doing a maid's job BUT to take care of someone u dearly love, it is not a burden or hassle. I'm happy to do it all. YES! and all in the name of LOVE.

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