Garwyn Sing

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Drove Garwyn along to pick Julian from school one day. I drove pass United Square and and he quickly asked me to turn back. I asked him why? He told me GUG is behind. I normally drive pass then make a U turn.

So I told him O no! I don't have a GPS so I missed it and now what should I do? He looked around (but U square is not in his sight), he said "TURN RIGHT!"

Clever boy! Always admire his bravery and decisive character! Guess he will start driving at 15!

Famous Quotes

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6th Jul 2010 -Julian asked why daddy sleep and sleep so long.. I wanna say he sleeps a thousand years but I can't cos that is a witch!

I can't stop laughing. Feel like replying him daddy sleeps a thousand years because he is a thousand years PIG (猪精)spirit!

Garwyn's dislocated arm

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18th Jul 2010 - Happened in the morning after he woke up. Nobody knows what happened. Maybe they fought and some pushing resulted in this or maybe he fell and in the process tried to use his hand to cushion the fall. Best part is doctor from A&E insisted nothing wrong with his hands, just unhappy over the fighting and wanna "tay" mommy and Daddy too agreed with him. In the end the doctor asked if he needed anything like painkiller or cream. I was so pissed off that I told him no need. I have painkiller at home and will go home to apply ZAM BUK for him. He was a little surprised ZAM BUK? I told him since he thinks is just "tay" then does not matter what I apply!

I knew something was terribly wrong with his hands otherwise my usually very brave Garwyn will not cry for more than an hour! In the end I brought him to sinseh and realised he dislocated his arm n sprained his wrist. When the sinseh rubbed his hands, he did not even cry hysterically but only sob. The sinseh was so impressed by this 2.5 years old kiddo!

Julian Jellyfish

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24th Jul 2010 - We were taking MRT to SUNTEC for their classes. Julian stood like a jellyfish in the train. I was so mad with him and told him off. "Julian, please don't stand like a jelly fish, you will fall when the train stop!"

He was so angry and he answered back. "I've brain OK!"

Julian! For your info, jelly fish has brain too! Please don't humiliate them! BUT they don't have BACKBONE like YOU!

Filial Garwyn

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Every nights, Garwyn has a chance to beat me real hard on my hand then said,"DUN PUT FINGERS IN YOUR MOUTH ANYMORE, OK!!"

Garwyn, mommy has been nail chipping since I was your age. I know it is wrong but it is difficult to stop that addiction. Can't you just be easy on that? Just take it that it is CALCIUM supplement for me, CAN?


One night, my tummy was so "windy" that I kept farting... Then Garwyn said to me, "You Fart? Come I bring you to the toilet." I told him, "No need, Just massage my tummy like I always did for you." He said OK and start rubbing my breast.

Garwyn, I said TUMMY not BREAST!

3 Wishes

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We read a story book about the 3 wishes. I asked Julian and Garwyn if they saved a fairy one day and she is going to grant 3 wishes, what will be their wishes?

Garwyn's wishes are
1. Money
2. Pancake
3. To ride a horse

Julian's wishes are
1. Pan cake
2. Walking stick for ah gong (grandpa)
3. Still thinking.....

Julian's ambition

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A portrait of mommy

Just 4 years old and Julian already a job hopper. He has so far switched jobs from army to navy and navy to army. Once he even wanna work in banks. NOt as a banker but becoming a Sunday Clown (part time job) to make balloon sculpture for kids. Now his recent career move is a drastic change. He wants to become an artist but I think Julian will most likely become a "gurung guni" because he just like to pick rubbish from the floor. OK! Not "Garung Guni", a recyclist! Sounds better?


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We passed by an Atrium Sale in Sembawang Shopping Centre. It was selling Bras! All types of design and colours.

Julian said "BRAS." and asked me, "Mommy, why you don't wear bra?" I was so embarrassed. Then Garwyn said, "Not Bras Ok! It's cap."

Garwyn, since when you have two heads? I think I better start wearing one for Garwyn to understand!


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Dear God,

Thank you for blessing us everyday... thank you for giving us a loving Daddy and Mummy who take care of our everything in lives...

Our Classroom

Our bedroom

Our wagon - Mummy flown in from USA specially for us.

Our Playground

Our Home

Our Party Time

Our Dinner

O God! Please continue to bless us and take care of us everyday. Also the children of the world!
Julian and Garwyn


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Julian asked why girls have a deep line in between the breasts (he didn't know how to describe it but gesture it by pointing to my breasts). I told him it is CLEAVAGE. Women have bigger breasts because after giving brith, they need to breast feed the babies. And the breasts are to store the milk. As the breasts raises, it creates a "valley" in between.

Wow! Am I giving a lesson on Nature or Biology?

Then Julian's next question is where does the milk comes from? For that I can't explain, it is miracle from GOD!

Pat Pat Me!

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Garwyn asked me to pat him to sleep. I asked him where? (meaning which part of the body). He thought for a while and said backside. I asked him again, left side or right side. He was so angry and replied "BACKSIDE!"