Gar Gar goes to school!

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Gar Gar is now attending Growing Up Gifted (GUG) at United Square. His first day of school is 15/8/2009. He has attended 3 lessons so far (twice a week) so is enjoying it very much. He has learnt the zoo-phonic of F (Francy Fish) and G(Gordo Gorilla), Cookery lessons like making fruit salad and Art lessons like making squares collage and finger printing. And most importantly, 15 minutes of Chinese lesson...

Talking about Cookery class, that will make me blood boiling. Gar Gar normally does not eat fruits at home but throughout his 3 lessons, he finished all the fruits and juice (without spitting hor!) that he made and asked for 2nd helping somemore!

His cooking lessons are:

lesson 1 : mixing cut banana and papaya with apple sauce

lesson 2 : water melon appreciation (learning the word "西瓜")

lesson 3 : making grape juice

All the above, he asked for 2nd helping.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

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Last night was the first day of Lunar seven month and Daddy was not around so I did the burning of incense.

As this was the first time I was doing the burning in our new house so I was quite blur on how and where to do it.

A lady approached me and show me how and where I could do it. Then the lady asked me if I was new here. I told her yes and my unit is there. She exclaimed: "O! So their father is the superstar?" (My neighbour is a TCS actor) And my answer is: "NO! My husband is a twinkle twinkle little star only...."

Julian is 3!

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Birthday celebration in Kinderland

Julian's cake (from coffee bean)

Julian's birthday celebration video

Julian round 2 celebration at Swenson, United Square

Video: Julian round 2 celebration at Swenson, United Square

A Hairy Story (RA)

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One night before bedtime, Julian suddenly pop this question again:, "Why Daddy's bird bird has hair?" Hmmmmmmm..... How could I explain?! So I have to think of something creative.

Ok. Here goes the story....
Daddy's bird bird has hair because he is so busy with his work that he has no time to cut his hair. So the hair on his head have no more space to grow then it starts to grow on his birdie and armpits. Julian, if you dun want hair to grow everywhere till you turn into a monkey, you must cut your hair regularly.

Julian nodded his head and went to bed...

Customised Pillows

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Julian is now attending Kinderland Childcare and he needs a small pillow during nap time. I wanted him to have a sense of security when mommy is not there so it got to be a special pillow and it must be his favorite Mr Bean.

The creative mommy decided she will make 1. Oop! not 1 but 2, for Gar Gar as well. So mommy bought the materials needed to make the 爱心枕头. My sewing skill really sucks but I really wanna make the pillows myself rather than asking my maid. I started making the pillows after they slept. It took me 3 hours and lots of "poke poke" on my fingers to finish 2 pillows. But it's really comfortable to hug.