Gar Gar is now attending Growing Up Gifted (GUG) at United Square. His first day of school is 15/8/2009. He has attended 3 lessons so far (twice a week) so is enjoying it very much. He has learnt the zoo-phonic of F (Francy Fish) and G(Gordo Gorilla), Cookery lessons like making fruit salad and Art lessons like making squares collage and finger printing. And most importantly, 15 minutes of Chinese lesson...
Talking about Cookery class, that will make me blood boiling. Gar Gar normally does not eat fruits at home but throughout his 3 lessons, he finished all the fruits and juice (without spitting hor!) that he made and asked for 2nd helping somemore!
His cooking lessons are:
lesson 1 : mixing cut banana and papaya with apple sauce
lesson 2 : water melon appreciation (learning the word "西瓜")
lesson 3 : making grape juice
All the above, he asked for 2nd helping.
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