Gar Gar "fatal" Dive

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12th September 2009 - It was an evening.

Gar Gar had not been swimming for quite some time so I decided to bring him for a swim. We went to the 1m pool and wag water near the edge cos mommy is a lousy swimmer. We were having a good time. Suddenly, a Monster appeared out of nowhere and carried Gar Gar up and threw him into the pool. Gar Gar submerged into the pool and emerged again. I was shock and all I could do was hug him closed to me. He was a brave boy and never cried (or maybe he was all choked and no time to cry).

The next day, he was having a runny nose and coughing. By Monday night, he was already developing a fever and his nose was all blocked. He couldn't sleep and was struggling to breathe the whole night. I tried several remedies for him to ease his congested nose and fever with the limited medical knowledge that I have gained from Dr Rhonda Watt and even Euclaplytus oil. Daddy came back at around 4am and told me he would take over to make Gar Gar sleep. while drifting into my sleep, I heard Daddy telling Gar Gar stories. After 2 stories, there was a total silence then followed by Gar Gar calling me, "Ma Ma..." Guess what? Daddy was already snoring away...! So I couldn't sleep again and took over to pat Gar Gar to sleep.

The next day, I brought Julian (who is also having a runny nose and cough) and Gar Gar to the lovely Dr Rhonda Watt. Dr Watt told me my poor Gar Gar is having a bronchiolities and needed Nebuliser immediately. He throat is imflammed, Ears are dull and blocked, his nose is stuffy too! The total damage is $200+ just for Gar Gar. He still needs to go back for review in 1 or 2 weeks time!

Now Gar Gar is still feverish on and off. Let's hope that he could fight off the bacteria without Anti-biotic.

P.S.: Now Gar Gar, guess who is the monster? Mommy already sms the monster that she will be kicked into the swimming pool if she ever come here, Ok?

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