Baby Julian is 10m old! Mummy and Daddy have endured 10 months of terrorism and sleepless nights!
He still refuses to mumble the magic words Da Da and Mama but he will eeee..aaaa...haii haii haii the whole day. Mummy has difficulty weaning him off despite all the advices from the PD and lactation advisers but he has stopped sucking pacifier when he was 9m old. He turns to Mummy's nipples instead!
This JRT has learnt some actions like pressing the lift buttons, shaking his head when we said No No.. and of cos getting naughtier!
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Julian Can Help To Bite Your Mummy Haa
I heard you firewall have block the Cbox msg.. Now I send you via your comment.. if you don't response.. I will "si piao"..
Give me USD$1m ransom, otherwise I post your son's dirty face photo
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