We came back from our usual stroll yester-morning. Nicole found 2 small little kittens near our lift. Her motherly instinct kicks in. She kept smelling the 2 little things which is as small as a rat. I thought Nicole was playing with 2 rats.
I contained the kittens in a box and brought them home worrying that the students nearby might abuse them. I fed them with the only milk available - breast milk. Then I called the stray cats association to pick them up but they said I should put them back to the same place cos their mummy might come back for them. So we put them back again.
Later at about 10pm, I brought Nicole down for a stroll again. First thing Nicole did was to go back to the same spot to look for the kittens but they have been removed.
I think it's time for Nicole to be a mummy too cos her motherly instinct has kicked in. She will be a wonderful mummy!
1 You Bark here:
Nicole You Want To Become A Mummy Ah If Your Baby Is Going To Be Like Jrt How You Cannot Go Anywhere Lo
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