Nicole's Operation

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Nicole has undergone her operation on 16.05.2007 and the operation was a success. She is given 14 days MC at home. She is given painkillers and a bottle of solution to clean the wound. Her stitches will be removed 10-14 days later. Seeing her stitches, Mummy is so heartache.

I was so worried through out her operation and I kept calling the clinic to ask about her. Finally Daddy and Mummy got the call to pick her up at 6pm.

Through this operation I have realised that how much I love Nicole and how dear Nicole is to Mummy. I really can't imagine life without Nicole by my side. Darling Nicole, Mummy love u very much!

2 You Bark here:

Unique said...

Unique Let Auntie Unique Hug Hug You !!!!!

双子星 said...

Kill Dr Kasey.. the stitich is terrible.. somemore in purple colour..

Poor Nicole.. Yiyi love you :)