Mommy the BIG BULLY!

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We went to the TOYS R US Warehouse sales on the 11th October 2008. See! In the past, he refused to sit in the stroller and now he "die die" also dun wanna get up for fear that Gar Gar will sit on it!

I bought a drum intended for Gar Gar but as usual Julian snatched everything and it becomes HIS! I tried to reason out with him by telling him that he is a gor gor and should learn to SHARE! He refused to listen and just hug his drum tightly and wanting to crawl away. So I held on to his leg and pulled him back, trying to talk him into sharing. I started pulling the drum and tell him there are 2 sides so he and di di can sit side by side and play the drum. He refused to listen, juz hold on tight to his drum. Unknowingly, we started the tug of war. Of cos, I won the war and gave Gar Gar the drum but gor gor was crying. Then I realised I was snatching his toy for Gar Gar. Mommy's such a BULLY!

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