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Today is Mama's SHIT DAY! I have to pick up all the shit after the 2 of them or do stool analysis for Nicole.

It started in the morning with a pool of shit in the toilet. It belongs to Nicole. She has an upset stomach since yesterday. Then it was Julian's one.... Nicole's one... Julian's one.......

There is traces of blood in Nicole's stool. Her stool is still a bit watery. I'm worry so I monitored her stool for the whole day. If this persist tomorrow, then Mummy will have to bring her to the vet.

While Mummy is heartache and worry over Nicole's upset tummy but still nagging her the whole day for accepting stranger's food!

1 You Bark here:

Unique said...

Since Nicole Is Not Feeling Well Yet You Keep Nagging At Her. I Tell You If You Continous To Nag At Her, I Am Going To Report You To The Spca And Then Put You To Sleep. My Poor Nicole Come To Auntie House I Ask Baby And Buffy To Play With You Ok.... P.s: Go By Sle Tpe Then To Bedok. Haha......