Silly Julian

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My Julian will be performing in his year end concert soon and he needs a pair of black shoes for the performance. Yesterday, I brought Julian to find his black shoes.

We walked into BATA, we couldn't find the black shoes that we wanted cos it's either too expensive or very ugly... but we saw a pair of slippers and Julian likes it very much. He tried on it and paraded one round for mommy. As I know this monster well, he wants everything and later if he sees another pair in another shop, he will ask for it again. So I told the sales lady that we'll walk around and decide later. Then I signalled Julian to go. Julian overheard my conversation with the sales lady and replied, " Ok. So mommy, u want me to walk here or there?" (pointing to the BATA shop, left side or right side). He thought we were going to walk A ROUND in BATA.

PS: Julian, dun act cute hah!

1 You Bark here:

双子星 said...

Can't blame Julian.. I think the mummy is unclear :P

Julian's english seem better grade then the mummy..wahahah