Lesson on eating Vegetables

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Julian does not like eating vegetables like any other kids but I insisted that nobody can be picky with food in my household! I will cut the veggies and mix them in the rice so he can't pick. Nevertheless, he will still give me 1001 excuses not to eat it like he will say I eat veggies in school, I love the veggies in school but not at home. So mommy comes up with funny reasons for him to eat his veggies.

Lesson 1
I told him trees are tall, Giraffe are tall cos trees have leaves on it and giraffe eats lots of leaves. If he doesn't eat veggies like Gar Gar does, he will soon become a dwarf and all his younger cousins and Gar Gar will outgrow him and bully him.

Lesson 2
He always got bitten by mosquito cos he loves sweet stuff I guess. So I told him why we are not bitten by mosquito cos we eat veggies. And as veggies have lots of pesticide and we eat it, we can repel mosquito. So he must eat lots of veggies. (What a way to teach Julian! Ha Ha..)

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双子星 said...

Lesson 2 is not encourage hor.. what if that smart Julian eat the pesticide :(