Gar Gar is 8m old!

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Our precious baby Gar Gar is 8m old now. He has grown into a 高大威猛baby but with a weak body. He is sick again. He had a fever last night so mommy couldn't sleep but to sponge him and watch over him.

Little Gar Gar is now beginning to be attached to me. Sometimes I reach home with gor gor after school and hurrying to wash gor gor up and prepare him for lunch, Gar Gar would ask me to carry him. If I didn't, he would start crying. Altho' it's tiring for me that all my kids are so attached to me but I really feel wonderful being a mother!

Gar Gar sure know what's his right now! When gor gor snatched away his toys, he would crawl to gor gor and try to snatch it back. Of cos, gor gor win but we believe in times to come, he would be the one bullying gor gor! Gar Gar, backup!

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