BB Gar Gar 命名日

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Garwyn Tung Hong Yi 陈泓峄
Daddy sent BB Gar Gar birthday (生辰八字) to geomancer (游龙子) to select a name. Mummy fell in love with the name 陈泓峄 the moment I see it. Then it was selecting an English name for him. We scrolled thro all baby names books, browse internet for a suitable name that bears Daddy's initial G. We short listed Gordon, Godwyn and even Garfield...

Finally Auntie Unique suggested Garwyn. I love the name very much because Julian has been calling BB Gar Gar all the time. It has Daddy's initial G and most importantly it sounded very much like Daddy's dialect name "Kah Wee". So with this name, he will still be our BB Gar Gar forever.

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Anonymous said...

Hello Baby Garwyn