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It's either Baby Julian has his father gene or Mummy has watched too much "Sing Chan cartoon - 蜡笔小新" during pregnancy. He is basically a sheep under wolf skin.

Incident 1#
He invited Baby Jerselle to his class on Sat and kept kissing her in front of her parents until she couldn't stand him anymore. Poor Jerselle!

Incident 2#
He was at Daddy's handphone shop, there was this couple walking pass...saw our beautiful Nicole and the girl squatted down to stroke Nicole. The boyfriend was anxious that she would reveal her undies (she was wearing a very short hot pant)so kept pulling her pant behind. Then our Baby Julian saw her. Walked to her and grab her thigh. Luckily, he is still a baby maniac so the boy friend didn't realise his act and give a black eye. (P.S : Julian, she is only interested in jie jie not u, dun take opportunity!)

Incident 3#
Whenever there is a pretty girl on the cover page of a magazine, he will grab the magazine and start kissing it till it's full of his saliva.

So if u think u are a PRETTY GAL, STAY CLEAR OF HIS PATH!

1 You Bark here:

Karen Genevieve said...

Julian really behave like a grown up, no more baby....hahaha

She only like young, sweet, innocent girls & will only chase after them & kiss them but not auntie like me :( hmpf