It runs in Mummy's family line

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Baby Julian is turning 1 soon. Mummy is busy planning for his 寿宴.
Mummy has just noticed that he looks more like mummy's family members. First, he has a pair of deep soul eyes like mummy (deep soul? - haha, mummy is thick skin). Then he has a dimple on the left cheek which resemble Winnie yiyi (best of all, he loves his pooh bear very much. As crazy as his Winnie yiyi.) And finally, he is as clever as mummy! Popo has just shown mummy my childhood photos and I realised that I've learnt to walk with support at 8 months! He started walking at 6m so its 青出于蓝更胜于蓝.... Julian, mummy's so proud of you!

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