Nicole turns 3

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Today is Mummy's dearest daughter's 3 years old birthday. Mummy has fulfilled the promise to prepare Nicole 爱心生日便当. Mummy bought beef, chicken breast meat, carrots, potatoes and apples to prepare the meal for Nicole, Baby and Buffy. We celebrated the birthday in popo's house. Mummy also got Uncle Daniel and Popo to buy birthday presents for Nicole.

Mummy would like to wish Nicole a very happy birthday and 福如东海,寿比南山. Darling Nicole, what's your birthday wish?

Dear Mummy, can I have more than 1 wish? Hmmm... my wishes are lots of wang wang, no more shower shower and brush teeth teeth, kgai kgai everyday (rain or shine), and finally make didi disappear...Can?

1 You Bark here:

Unique said...

Finally I Can See Nicole Look @ The Camera. Nicole Too Much You Want To Become Smelly Dog Ha......... Your Wish Is Like Smelly Smelly Wish Leh......