Gar Gar said "NO NEED"

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My Gar Gar has officially wean off mommy's "nan nan" at around 21 months old. My breasts finally can retire.
I realised Gar Gar has not been asking for "nan nan" for a few days so one night I lifted up my tee and asked him if he wanted "nan nan". He gave me a serious look and said "no need". I am so glad that I could eat anything and drink beer now! Ha Ha ... but I do feel a sudden loss - I miss those days that Julian and Gar Gar latching on my breasts falling asleep. Nobody can understand that kinda of sleeping unless u are a BF mom too!
The naughty mommy still teases them by bringing my breast near their mouths and seeing them running away with disgusting looks.
P.S: O! sons, so ungrateful! U used to love them so much. Now I must check with Daddy if he still wants it!

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