Gar Gar said "NO NEED"

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My Gar Gar has officially wean off mommy's "nan nan" at around 21 months old. My breasts finally can retire.
I realised Gar Gar has not been asking for "nan nan" for a few days so one night I lifted up my tee and asked him if he wanted "nan nan". He gave me a serious look and said "no need". I am so glad that I could eat anything and drink beer now! Ha Ha ... but I do feel a sudden loss - I miss those days that Julian and Gar Gar latching on my breasts falling asleep. Nobody can understand that kinda of sleeping unless u are a BF mom too!
The naughty mommy still teases them by bringing my breast near their mouths and seeing them running away with disgusting looks.
P.S: O! sons, so ungrateful! U used to love them so much. Now I must check with Daddy if he still wants it!

Halloween Party

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See how these kids have grown? They are ex My Gym classmates since they were 18months old. Now they are past 3. I organised a BBQ on 30th October 2009 to have a gathering with the teachers and parents. Really miss them so much! Too bad! It was raining but we still managed to cook all the food and ate it! Ha Ha...

Just dunno why?! We have a strong bonding with the mommies and teachers of MY GYM!