Baby G is 32 weeks old! G is weighing at approximately 1737g now. Mummy is a fat woman at 54.8kg. Baby G (or Julian's bb Gar Gar) is very active in Mummy's tummy and is always on the move 24-7. G has cause Mummy's so much pain that Mummy cannot even walk properly now. Mummy is having an inflammation and swollen vaginal. Now Mummy is peeing almost at 2 hours interval every night so Mummy couldn't sleep well.
Auntie Jessie is very concern with the sex of BB G and she keeps asking. She keep mentioning that she couldn't buy clothes for Gar Gar if she doesn't know the sex! Re-assured! Regardless of what gender it is, BB G is going to wear BB Julian's clothes cos it's gonna be Mummy last product and Mummy is not willing to spend anymore. However, Mummy has gone United Square to get a white and green bunny romper for BB G for G's big day!
There are more things u can give to BB Gar Gar such as:
1. Avent Feeding Bottles - 3 x 260ml
2. Play Pen
3. A light weight stroller at S$109.00 (Available at Kiddy Palace)
and last but not least Mint is preferred!
Our next appointment is 09.01.2008.
(P.S. : We were in a taxi on the way home from ah ma's house. Mummy told Julian that BB Gar Gar is very naughty, always kicking Mummy's tummy! U know what! Julian beat Mummy's tummy! What a fierce brother he is! Then later he stroke Mummy's tummy again!)
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