Julian new chair

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(Notice his "chow ah beng" sitting style)

Daddy & Mummy bought a new chair for Julian at Marsiling. The Auntie said it is an antique chair so S$35.00 - NO FURTHER DISCOUNT! She gave Mummy some pointers about parenting for FOC but it doesn't apply to Julian cos he is too naughty! Even the Auntie has to agree with that. This chair is meant for his meal time cos he can't sit still on the other one that he has. BUT two days later, Julian managed to "escape" from this one too! So Mummy has to heed the Auntie's advice by tying one of his leg to the chair.

1 You Bark here:

双子星 said...

another retribution!! Remember when you were a kid.. you nvr sit in spot for your meal.. haha! :)

Baby Julian - yr granmum feed your mum from home to play ground for meal.. you know what to do lah..