Before I had kids and see parents volunteering in schools or hugging each others and cry on TV when their kids are chosen for the schools, my comment is - KIASU!
Now - MY TURN! and I no longer call it KIASU but call it's the SINGAPORE SYSTEM. In fact I was even late for Parents Volunteering (PV) cos those popular schools oredi call for PV when your kids are 4 years old! And if you study through all the past year result for registration, you realised almost all schools are over subscribed under phase 2C and need balloting. So in order to "upgrade" my chance to phase 2B I started calling... then I realised some schools have closed their PV registration. Even if you managed to put in your form, you still need to be "CHOSEN"! Damn it!
So for the sake of my Princes' future - the Queen has to lower herself to PV! I was quite lucky, the school needs librarians to sort out their books intensively so I managed to clock my 40 hours in less than 2 weeks. BUT that does not mean I am GUARANTEED a seat for Julian cos there is a clause in the form that says it might still subject to balloting if phase 2B is over subscribed!
Now I can only pray hard!